(0) Obligation:

JBC Problem based on JBC Program:
Manifest-Version: 1.0 Created-By: 1.6.0_26 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) Main-Class: simple/upAndDownIneq/Main
package simple.upAndDownIneq;

public class Main {

* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {



package simple.upAndDownIneq;

public class UpAndDownIneq {

public static void upAndDown(int i) {
int up = 0;
while (0 <= i && i <= 10) {
if (i >= 10) {
up = 0;
if (i <= 0) {
up = 1;
if (up >= 1) {
} else {


(1) JBCNonTerm (EQUIVALENT transformation)

Reached a loop using the following run:
<simple.upAndDownIneq.Main.main||0: load ADDR args||args: a162|| ->
	String.serialVersionUID: -6849794470754667710L
	String.serialPersistentFields: a160
	String$CaseInsensitiveComparator.serialVersionUID: 8575799808933029326L
	RuntimeException.serialVersionUID: -7034897190745766939L
	Exception.serialVersionUID: -3387516993124229948L
	Throwable.serialVersionUID: -3042686055658047285L
	o81!: String$CaseInsensitiveComparator()
	a160([java.io.ObjectStreamField|]): length 0
	a162([java.lang.String...]): length 1
<simple.upAndDownIneq.Main.main||1: arraylength|| - ||a162>
	String.serialVersionUID: -6849794470754667710L
	String.serialPersistentFields: a160
	String$CaseInsensitiveComparator.serialVersionUID: 8575799808933029326L
	RuntimeException.serialVersionUID: -7034897190745766939L
	Exception.serialVersionUID: -3387516993124229948L
	Throwable.serialVersionUID: -3042686055658047285L
	o81!: String$CaseInsensitiveComparator()
	a160([java.io.ObjectStreamField|]): length 0
	a162([java.lang.String...]): length 1
<simple.upAndDownIneq.Main.main||2: simple.upAndDownIneq.UpAndDownIneq.upAndDown(I)V|| - ||1>
	String.serialVersionUID: -6849794470754667710L
	String.serialPersistentFields: a160
	String$CaseInsensitiveComparator.serialVersionUID: 8575799808933029326L
	RuntimeException.serialVersionUID: -7034897190745766939L
	Exception.serialVersionUID: -3387516993124229948L
	Throwable.serialVersionUID: -3042686055658047285L
	o81!: String$CaseInsensitiveComparator()
	a160([java.io.ObjectStreamField|]): length 0
	a162([java.lang.String...]): length 1
<simple.upAndDownIneq.UpAndDownIneq.upAndDown||0: push 0||i: 1|| ->
<simple.upAndDownIneq.Main.main||2: simple.upAndDownIneq.UpAndDownIneq.upAndDown|| - ||1>
	String.serialVersionUID: -6849794470754667710L
	String.serialPersistentFields: a160
	String$CaseInsensitiveComparator.serialVersionUID: 8575799808933029326L
	RuntimeException.serialVersionUID: -7034897190745766939L
	Exception.serialVersionUID: -3387516993124229948L
	Throwable.serialVersionUID: -3042686055658047285L
	o81!: String$CaseInsensitiveComparator()
	a160([java.io.ObjectStreamField|]): length 0
	a162([java.lang.String...]): length 1
<simple.upAndDownIneq.UpAndDownIneq.upAndDown||1: store INT to up||i: 1||0>
<simple.upAndDownIneq.Main.main||2: simple.upAndDownIneq.UpAndDownIneq.upAndDown|| - ||1>
	String.serialVersionUID: -6849794470754667710L
	String.serialPersistentFields: a160
	String$CaseInsensitiveComparator.serialVersionUID: 8575799808933029326L
	RuntimeException.serialVersionUID: -7034897190745766939L
	Exception.serialVersionUID: -3387516993124229948L
	Throwable.serialVersionUID: -3042686055658047285L
	o81!: String$CaseInsensitiveComparator()
	a160([java.io.ObjectStreamField|]): length 0
	a162([java.lang.String...]): length 1
<simple.upAndDownIneq.UpAndDownIneq.upAndDown||2: push 0||i: 1, up: 0|| ->
<simple.upAndDownIneq.Main.main||2: simple.upAndDownIneq.UpAndDownIneq.upAndDown|| - ||1>
	String.serialVersionUID: -6849794470754667710L
	String.serialPersistentFields: a160
	String$CaseInsensitiveComparator.serialVersionUID: 8575799808933029326L
	RuntimeException.serialVersionUID: -7034897190745766939L
	Exception.serialVersionUID: -3387516993124229948L
	Throwable.serialVersionUID: -3042686055658047285L
	o81!: String$CaseInsensitiveComparator()
	a160([java.io.ObjectStreamField|]): length 0
	a162([java.lang.String...]): length 1
In the loop head node, references [i52, iconst_0, i53] were interesting.
By SMT, we could prove
((0 <= initial_i52 and 0 <= initial_i53 and initial_i53 <= 1 and 0 <= initial_i16) and ((((path1_i52 = path1_i72 and path1_i72 = path1_i75 and path1_i75 = path1_i77 and path1_i78 = (path1_i77 + -1) and path1_i78 = res_i52 and 0 = res_i53 and path1_i16 = res_i16 and path1_i52 = initial_i52 and path1_i53 = initial_i53 and path1_i16 = initial_i16) and (0 <= path1_i52 and path1_i72 <= 10 and path1_i75 < 10 and path1_i77 > 0 and path1_i53 = 0)) or ((path2_i52 = path2_i72 and path2_i72 = path2_i75 and path2_i75 = path2_i77 and path2_i79 = (path2_i77 + 1) and path2_i79 = res_i52 and 1 = res_i53 and path2_i16 = res_i16 and path2_i52 = initial_i52 and path2_i53 = initial_i53 and path2_i16 = initial_i16) and (0 <= path2_i52 and path2_i72 <= 10 and path2_i75 < 10 and path2_i77 > 0 and path2_i53 = 1)) or ((path3_i52 = path3_i72 and 9 = res_i52 and 0 = res_i53 and path3_i16 = res_i16 and path3_i52 = initial_i52 and path3_i53 = initial_i53 and path3_i16 = initial_i16) and (0 <= path3_i52 and path3_i72 <= 10 and path3_i72 = 10 and 10 > 0)) or ((path4_i52 = path4_i72 and path4_i72 = path4_i75 and 1 = res_i52 and 1 = res_i53 and path4_i16 = res_i16 and path4_i52 = initial_i52 and path4_i53 = initial_i53 and path4_i16 = initial_i16) and (0 <= path4_i52 and path4_i72 <= 10 and path4_i75 < 10 and path4_i75 = 0 and 0 <= 0))) and (((res_i52 = res_i72 and res_i72 = res_i75 and res_i75 = res_i77 and res_i78 = (res_i77 + -1)) and !(0 <= res_i52 and res_i72 <= 10 and res_i75 < 10 and res_i77 > 0 and res_i53 = 0)) and ((res_i52 = res_i72 and res_i72 = res_i75 and res_i75 = res_i77 and res_i79 = (res_i77 + 1)) and !(0 <= res_i52 and res_i72 <= 10 and res_i75 < 10 and res_i77 > 0 and res_i53 = 1)) and (res_i52 = res_i72 and !(0 <= res_i52 and res_i72 <= 10 and res_i72 = 10 and 10 > 0)) and ((res_i52 = res_i72 and res_i72 = res_i75) and !(0 <= res_i52 and res_i72 <= 10 and res_i75 < 10 and res_i75 = 0 and 0 <= 0)))))
to be UNSAT. Consequently, the loop will not terminate.

(2) NO